International Solidarity Is the Weapon of the People:

In Response to the Call for a Global Week of Action for Palestine

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BPP Graffiti on Apartheid Wall

Join us over the next 2 weeks with revolutionary action and remembrance from May 26th to June 7th to connect the Palestinian struggle and the Black liberation movement in mutual support and solidarity.

Both dates are significant: the beginning of the George Floyd Rebellion and the month anniversary of the Third Intifada with the uprising at Al-Aqsa. Both dates also represent resistance and rebellion; militancy and intransigence; and most importantly, revolutionary potential.

The United States is in the midst of a transformative period, with the Black revolution at the forefront. From the plantations to the prisons, the Black struggle has always had a multifaceted enemy in Western capitalist states and their allies.

Their eliminationist project continues, too, in Palestine, where Zionist colonialism since Balfour has been the partner of Anglo-American imperialism.

Recent events in Occupied Palestine have again revealed the true face of colonialism and all its genocidal violence: a regime of global apartheid stretching from the open-air prison of Gaza to jail cells, detention centers, and ghettos across the United States. But these events have also exposed the limits of colonial rule, the weakness of the Zionist regime, and the tenuousness of white supremacist power.

Our resistance is always most formidable when it is internationalist. In 1964, Malcolm X met with the PLO leadership. Later on, Huey Newton visited Palestine, uniting these struggles against a common enemy. As the Zionist project expanded in Palestine, the resistance became not only a shining example of what was possible, but also an internationalist hub for the world to learn from – inviting revolutionaries from Nicaragua to Ireland, from Cuba to Greece, from Japan to South Africa.

As the burning of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis showed the world on May 28, 2020, even the most formidable fortresses can be reduced to ashes. And as the Third Intifada is teaching us today, even the most “advanced” armies in the world can be effectively combatted by insurgent youth and the oppressed masses when they lose their fear and bring the conflict to the colonizers.

The more widespread our actions, the greater impact they make internationally. We can see that the bravery of each Palestinian fighter has inspired massive worldwide hope that perhaps the behemoth of US and “Israeli” imperialism can be stopped. We want to draw focus to the Palestinian fighters across the occupied territories, and to the powerful #ShutEmDown2021 call by incarcerated comrades in the US for nationwide demonstrations fighting for abolition.

The uprisings in Palestine and in the US have demonstrated that when resistance is popularized, it makes it much harder to defeat. It is in this spirit that we call on people internationally to defiantly rise up against US and “Israeli” colonial violence!

This is the true spirit of internationalism! Together we will be victorious!

– Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement + Muslim-Jewish Anti-Fascist Front

Some ideas for action:

  • Barricades
  • Decarceration
  • Demonstrations
  • Strikes
  • Disrupt the actions of the imperialists
  • Memorial actions for the martyrs
  • Demonstrations at prisons and consulates
  • Writing to prisoners of war
  • Graffiti, posters: Free Palestine and ShutEmDown2021

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Internationalize the Intifada!
No war between peoples!
No peace with the colonizers!

#GlobalIntifada #ShutEmDown2021 #FreePalestine #BurnThePrisons